This blog has been moved to, sorry for the trouble.

Nov 17, 2013

Hi guys, In case you didn't notice, this site has been moved to, there's no automagic redirection in order to not break links...

Sep 26, 2013

Why python?

Hey guys, Yesterday night my brother (who is a 'real programmer') asked me 'why someone would use python?' and I didn't know how to answer. I...

Sep 10, 2013

Animation is concentration... and organization (slides)

Hi guys, I'll be giving a lecture this weekend at San Luis Digital (San Luis, Argentina). I'll talk about how we use agile software development...

Sep 9, 2013

Hi folks, Some time ago Cristobal told me about his idea of a website showcasing the best work created with Softimage, I liked it and...

Jul 19, 2013

Git For Softimage

Hi folks, I've been working with Git as version control system on my developments for a while and thought it might be useful add some version...

Jun 30, 2013


Hey folks, Today I want to share a tool I've been using for a while, it's a simple menu to search and launch softimage commnads and scripts...

Jun 25, 2013

RigIcon goes open source

Hi folks, Do you remember rigicon? now you can get it from github! There's also a brief documentation and a pre-packed xsiaddon in case...

May 23, 2013

Justin and the Knights of Valour - Official Theatrical Trailer

Hi folks, There's a new trailer for Justin and the Knights of Valor, a Kandor Graphics film where I had the pleasure of working as Rigging...

May 7, 2013

Time to move on

Hey folks, Just wanted to say hello, been a long time without news here :( Well... where to start... I came back to my hometown (Santiago,...

Feb 11, 2013

RigLab: Preview #001

Hi guys, Today I wanna share an early preview of the rigging framework I've been working on, there's still a lot of work to do but I think...

Jan 10, 2013

RigLab: Naming Convention

Hey folks, I've been working on the naming convention side of the rigging framework and I wanna share my take on this problem. I...

Jan 3, 2013

RigLab: RigIcon tool

Hey folks, This time I wanna share a preview of some rigging tools I'm working on. They're highly inspired by Softimage null's implementation...

Nov 23, 2012

Justin and the Knights of Valour - Official Teaser Trailer

Here it is... check out the first teaser trailer for the film in which I've been working on, has been a blast! :) More at http://ju...

Nov 13, 2012

RigLab: overview

I'm finally working on my rigging framework, I've been thinking about it for a long time and I finally have a clear picture of what I want...

Oct 29, 2012

DevManager: yet another plugin manager for softimage

Hi folks, I've been working on a manager for my developments, something like softimage's plugin manager but better suited for my workflow...

Oct 5, 2012

Thoughts on editing

Just a quick tip... When you make a tool, don't think about it as a 1-time procedure, editing will take most of the time and you should...

Sep 24, 2012

Convex Approximation

Back to the basics! I've been thinking about how to use a convex approximation to improve "volume preservation" on enveloped meshes and I...

Sep 18, 2012

Holymonks' face rig

Hey guys, I did this one a while ago but I never share it here, it's a custom tool designed to quickly wire up facial rig for an animated...

Sep 17, 2012

fStretch-like deformations

Hey, Some time ago someone asked in about how to replicate some deformations seen in a nice demo from Clovis Gay (who is also...

Aug 26, 2012

Back to work

I think I have enough sun and beach this summer and it's time to get back to work! Unfortunatelly I can't show anything from kandor graphics (my...

Aug 16, 2012

Honda Oddysey

I just found a TV commercial in which I've worked long time ago, I did the generic character rig and the jellyfishes. It was a remote work...

Jun 20, 2012

Closing cycles

Hi folks, Long time without any update, sorry about that :-( As you may know i was working on Kandor's next feature film... and yes, 'I...

Feb 13, 2012

RollUp Prototype

I love ICE! It's so fast/easy make a prototype for a custom deformer (or whatever) on it, it's so powerfull... I think just for that Softimage...

Feb 6, 2012

When was the last time...

Last week we had a very interesting talk on this issue. Seems like when you're working on a project for so long, sometimes it's easy to feel...

Jan 29, 2012

Rigging lecture at UGR

Hey folks, The last weekend I gave a lecture on rigging at UGR (Granada University), was a nice experience even though prepare the program...

Nov 3, 2011

OneUndo decorator

Hi folks, I'm posting another entry from my old blog, this time it's a decorator for Softimage that help us to wrap all the calls inside...

Sep 30, 2011

Demo Reel 2008

Hey folks, My old demo reel ... there are some things I would do differently but this comes from the me of 2008 ;-...

Me and myself

Me me me me me... and myself. Just kidding.... I'm rescuing old posts (you know, restarting the site once again) and found this interview...

Blog hacked, again...

Hi folks, Yes, it happened again and I still don't get it :( It doesn't matter... all I can say is that I'm going back to Blogger for the...